Mission statement: Dedicated to providing the veterinary community with safe and cost effective blood therapy products.
Vision statement: To help peoples pets grow stronger and live longer.
Values: Christian Principles, Dedication, Integrity, Passion, Patience
The Veterinarians' Blood Bank began to provide a much-needed service to the veterinary community. Lifesaving blood for people’s pets. Just like humans, dogs and cats may need a blood transfusion due to injury, illness, or surgeries. The demand for these products has risen over the years. You may never fully understand this until your precious pet has a severe emergency or illness that desperately requires a transfusion of healthy blood to save your pet’s life. If the emergency veterinarian cannot get the blood in a timely and predictable pattern, it could mean the difference between life and death for your pet. Such needless sadness, when the miracle your pet needs, may be a pre-anticipated donation of blood. Our donors are heroes in our eyes and in the veterinary world. We value our donors and deeply care for them, recognizing the invaluable service they provide and are profoundly appreciative of the critical role these heroes play, as they help save the lives of countless family pets across the country.
We are veterinarian owned & operated by compassionate staff members.
Who are based on Christian morals such as : honesty, empathy, respect, compassion, and integrity
Ron Harrison D.V.M. & Darren Bryant D.V.M. created the Veterinarians' Blood Bank in 1998.
TVBB has been serving & providing the veterinary community for almost 30 years, with beneficial blood replacement therapy products.
Saving countless companions lives of canines and felines over the decades.
We will continue to provide the veterinary community with safe & cost effective blood therapy products & will do so for the years to come.
Each of our canine heroes are serologically screened for anaplasma, ehrlichia, borrelia burgdoferi (lyme disease), and dirofilaria immitus (heart worm disease).
All feline heroes are serologically screened for feline leukemia virus antigens, feline immunodeficiency virus antibodies, feline calicivirus (FCV), influenze H1N1 (swine flu), bordetella bronchiseptica, chlamydophila felis, feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) and mycoplasma.
All heroes are vaccinated annually with boosters, bordetella, and rabies. They are also given routine parasiticides. These heroes are routinely monitored hematologically and considered specific pathogen-free.
With onsite veterinary care our hero donors are kept in a closed colony. We provide an indoor/outdoor biosecure facility, providing ample space for exercise and socialization.
It is our pleasure to introduce our new partnership with Prison Greyhounds.